<![CDATA[A n n e  S e r l i n g - Blog]]>Wed, 29 May 2024 04:46:16 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[January 20th, 2015]]>Wed, 21 Jan 2015 02:56:17 GMThttp://anneserling.com/blog/january-20th-2015Thank you all for your kind comments about my father and my memoir. If you haven't heard back from me yet, you will.

Some have asked about signed copies. Please see: rodserlingbooks.com

A happy 2015 to you all!

<![CDATA[July 18th, 2014]]>Fri, 18 Jul 2014 13:34:35 GMThttp://anneserling.com/blog/july-18th-2014Picture
June 28
On a Saturday, thirty-nine years ago, my father died unexpectedly three days after open heart surgery. The morning began much like this one—brilliantly sunny, warm---a day he would have loved puttering around the yard, lying in the hammock, looking out at the lake. But he was far from the cottage, far from the water, lying in a hospital, and on that excruciating afternoon, at 2:20, he was inexplicably gone.
Two memorial services were held simultaneously a few days later on both coasts. I share the following from Gene Roddenberry the creator and producer of Star Trek:
“The fact that Rod Serling was a uniquely talented writer with extraordinary imagination is not our real loss. These merely describe his tools and the level of his skill. Our loss is the man, the intelligence and the conscience that used these things for us. No one could know Serling, or view or read his work, without recognizing his deep affection for humanity, his sympathetically enthusiastic curiosity about us, and his determination to enlarge our horizons by giving us a better understanding of ourselves. He cared and, I suspect, perhaps too deeply too much of the time. He dreamed of much for us and demanded much of himself, perhaps more than was possible for either in this time and place. But it is that quality of dreams and demands that makes the ones like Rod Serling rare … and always irreplaceable.”

<![CDATA[July 09th, 2014]]>Wed, 09 Jul 2014 13:00:24 GMThttp://anneserling.com/blog/july-09th-2014Dear friends, if you have sent me messages recently and I have not responded, please resend. I have been hit by spam and many emails have inadvertently been erased. Thanks!
<![CDATA[June 02nd, 2014]]>Mon, 02 Jun 2014 11:25:00 GMThttp://anneserling.com/blog/june-02nd-2014Picture
"My world and sense of ethics where hugely changed by this man. Thank you so much Anne Serling for sharing your father so generously with the world." Maxx Cunningham


<![CDATA[May 07th, 2014]]>Wed, 07 May 2014 11:25:05 GMThttp://anneserling.com/blog/may-07th-2014Now out in paperback... " Exclusive to the paperback edition: a new photo of Rod Serling and two personal documents relating to his service in the army during WWII. Also, several new anecdotes have been added..."
http://www.amazon.com/As-Kn... See More]]>
<![CDATA[February 21st, 2014]]>Fri, 21 Feb 2014 14:22:02 GMThttp://anneserling.com/blog/february-21st-2014Please know how appreciative I am for all of the  messages sent personally. I try to respond to them all and hope I haven't missed any!

<![CDATA[February 17th, 2014]]>Mon, 17 Feb 2014 18:44:53 GMThttp://anneserling.com/blog/february-17th-2014Picture
Anne Serling January 26“Almost all of my father’s closing narrations end with the phrase, The Twilight Zone. The message of this episode, however, was clearly so important to him, so central to his passion, that he felt the need to go beyond the fantasy.
‘The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwalds, the Auschwitzes—all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all, their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers. Something to dwell on and remember, not only in The Twilight Zone but wherever men walk God’s earth.’”

Closing narration Twilight Zone “Death’s Head Revisited”
AS I KNEW HIM: My Dad Rod Serling

<![CDATA[For more updated information please see: https://www.facebook.com/AnneSerlingBooks]]>Mon, 16 Dec 2013 16:25:46 GMThttp://anneserling.com/blog/for-more-updated-information-please-see-httpswwwfacebookcomanneserlingbooks<![CDATA[November 24th, 2013]]>Mon, 25 Nov 2013 00:04:05 GMThttp://anneserling.com/blog/november-24th-2013"After President Kennedy’s assassination, my father wrote something perhaps intended as a letter to a newspaper or magazine editor. It was written on his letterhead and clearly typed by him, not his secretary. I read it for the first time forty-six years after it was written. I can hear my father’s anguish:
'More than a man has died. More than a gallant young President has been put to death. More than a high office of a land has been assaulted. What is to be mourned now is an ideal. What has been assassinated is a faith in ourselves. What has been murdered is a belief in our own decency, our capacity to love, our sense of order and logic and civilized decorum…
…To the Leftists and the Rightists, to the Absolutists, to the men of little faith but strong hate, and to all of us who have helped plant this ugly and loathsome seed that blossomed forth on a street in Dallas on last Friday—this is the only dictum we can heed now. For civilization to survive it must remain civilized. And if there is to be any hope for our children and theirs--we must never again allow violence to offer itself as an excuse for our own insecurities, our weaknesses and our own fears. This is not an arguable doctrine for simply a better life. It is a condition for our continued existence.'"

AS I KNEW HIM: My Dad Rod Serling]]>
<![CDATA[October 06th, 2013]]>Sun, 06 Oct 2013 17:59:13 GMThttp://anneserling.com/blog/october-06th-2013]]>